Traffic offloading with mobility in LTE HeNB networks

Pei Chen Qiu, Whai En Chen, Jehn Ruey Jiang

研究成果: 書貢獻/報告類型會議論文篇章同行評審

3 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


In these years, the traffic is rapidly increasing in mobile communication networks. The increasing traffic seriously consumes the bandwidth of the core network. The 3GPP proposes a series of traffic offloading solutions in the Long Term Evolution-Advanced (LTE-A) system in which part of traffic from the core network is migrated to the Internet. Two traffic offloading methods are designed for the Home eNodeB (HeNB) networks: (1) Local IP Access (LIPA), which provides User Equipments (UEs) with the ability to communicate with other objects (e.g., UEs and servers) located in the same local HeNB network via HeNB without accessing the core network, and (2) Selected IP Traffic Offload at Local Network (SIPTO@LN), which provides UEs with the ability to connect to the Internet via HeNB without going to the core network. Several studies tried to improve 3GPP traffic offloading methods; however, those methods have no or little support of mobility. In this paper, we propose two methods to offload the traffic in Local HeNB Network (LHN) with better mobility support than existing methods. The first method, Local Access Traffic Offload (LATO), enhances the LIPA function by providing UEs with the ability to hand over into and out of the LHN. The second method, Global Access Traffic Offload (GATO), enhances the SIPTO function by providing UEs with the ability to hand over between the LHNs.

主出版物標題Proceedings - 2015 IEEE 21st International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, ICPADS 2015
發行者IEEE Computer Society
出版狀態已出版 - 15 1月 2016
事件21st IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, ICPADS 2015 - Melbourne, Australia
持續時間: 14 12月 201517 12月 2015


名字Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems - ICPADS


???event.eventtypes.event.conference???21st IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, ICPADS 2015


深入研究「Traffic offloading with mobility in LTE HeNB networks」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
