The body of knowledge of procurement project management for construction projects

研究成果: 會議貢獻類型會議論文同行評審


As the concept and knowledge of general project management was accepted in both academic and practical domains, the body of knowledge (BOK) for project management has received many discussions for past ten years. The framework and processes of BOK for project management has become to be a standard for success project management. Procurement management of a construction project for government agency is a typical project management. However, the procurement management in the BOK is a knowledge area, not a management target. For the procurement projects, especially for construction projects in the government agency, the knowledge areas should be modified because of some laws or regulations restrict the content and execution of projects. Based on the knowledge areas from different versions of original, construction extension and government extension of the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK), and periodicals and books, this study tries to develop a framework of the procurement project management body of knowledge (Procurement PMBOK) for construction projects based on the viewpoint of staffs in government agency. Proposed Procurement PMBOK has reviewed by an on-going project and shows that it is more helpful than conventional BOK. Further developments on knowledge contents and operation standards are required for practical use.

出版狀態已出版 - 2007
事件Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering 2007: Where the Road Ends, Ingenuity Begins - Yellowknife, NT, United States
持續時間: 6 6月 20079 6月 2007


???event.eventtypes.event.conference???Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering 2007: Where the Road Ends, Ingenuity Begins
國家/地區United States
城市Yellowknife, NT


深入研究「The body of knowledge of procurement project management for construction projects」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
