Stratigraphic Uncertainty Reduction Considering the Location of Additional Boreholes

Wan Ying Chien, Bo Sheng Ciou, Yu Chen Lu, Chih Hsiang Yeh, Wen Yi Hung

研究成果: 書貢獻/報告類型會議論文篇章同行評審


Generally, the number of boreholes drilled in a project is constrained by the field investigative budget. How to select additional boreholes to increase the reliability of the deduced stratigraphic profile, or to reduce the uncertainty of the deduced stratigraphic profile, is an essential issue. This paper utilizes the stochastic Markov random field (MRF) to study the effect of added boreholes in a synthetic stratigraphic model. The information entropy is employed to quantify the stratigraphic model uncertainty. First, the parametric studies of borehole locations and MRF parameter were conducted. Then, the accuracy of MRF simulation was assessed by comparing the MRF-generated stratigraphic model with the synthetic stratigraphic model. The results show that (1) the average information entropy may be expressed as a quadratic function of the location of an additional borehole; and (2) the average information entropy decreases with the increase in stratigraphic anisotropic ratio and vice versa. Furthermore, the correlations among additional borehole location, stratigraphic anisotropic ratio, and average information entropy were obtained using multivariate regression analysis.

主出版物標題Geotechnical Special Publication
編輯Jianye Ching, Shadi Najjar, Lei Wang
發行者American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
版本GSP 347
ISBN(電子)9780784484968, 9780784484975, 9780784484982, 9780784484999
出版狀態已出版 - 2023
事件Geo-Risk Conference 2023: Advances in Modeling Uncertainty and Variability - Arlington, United States
持續時間: 23 7月 202326 7月 2023


名字Geotechnical Special Publication
號碼GSP 347


???event.eventtypes.event.conference???Geo-Risk Conference 2023: Advances in Modeling Uncertainty and Variability
國家/地區United States


深入研究「Stratigraphic Uncertainty Reduction Considering the Location of Additional Boreholes」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
