Reflective plasmonic metasurface and metahologram

Yao Wei Huang, Wei Ting Chen, Kuang Yu Yang, Wei Yi Tsai, Pin Chieh Wu, I. Da Chiang, Chun Yen Liao, Wei Lun Hsu, Hao Tsun Lin, Shulin Sun, Lei Zhou, Ai Qun Liu, Chih Ming Wang, Greg Sun, Din Ping Tsai

研究成果: 書貢獻/報告類型會議論文篇章同行評審


Holograms are the optical devices to reconstruct images by recovering amplitude and phase of light, which show many applications in our daily life. Recently, the metasurfaces, an array of sub-wavelength antenna, show the abilities to manipulate both the amplitude and phase of incident electromagnetic wave in a wide electromagnetic region from visible to microwave frequencies. Here, we realized a high-efficiency broadband plasmonic metasurface and metahologram by reflected metasurface made of subwavelength gold nanoantennas which is designed and fabricated in optical frequencies. The reconstructed images of our metahologram show polarization-controlled dual images with high contrast, functioning for both coherent and incoherent light sources within a broad spectral range and under a wide range of incidence angles. Aluminum plasmonics based metaholograms with multi-images, multi-channels, or multiplexing at different wavelengths, on the other hand, prefer narrower plasmonic resonances and less phase levels to realize multi-color metahologram. By combining with the techniques of tunable metasurfaces, metahologram can potentially be used to realize active hologram that works at arbitrary electromagnetic wave region.

主出版物標題15th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, NUSOD 2015
編輯Yuh-Renn Wu, Joachim Piprek
發行者IEEE Computer Society
出版狀態已出版 - 10 5月 2015
事件15th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, NUSOD 2015 - Taipei, Taiwan
持續時間: 7 9月 201511 9月 2015


名字Proceedings of the International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, NUSOD


???event.eventtypes.event.conference???15th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, NUSOD 2015


深入研究「Reflective plasmonic metasurface and metahologram」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
