Performance of replacing traditional natural aggregates in dense grade asphalt concrete with basic oxygen furnace slag

Shih Huang Chen, Jyh Dong Lin, Daud Huang, Ching Tsung Hung

研究成果: 書貢獻/報告類型會議論文篇章同行評審


This study focuses on how the voids in mineral aggregate (VMA) and performance of dense grade asphalt concrete (DGAC) are influenced by the 100% replacement of coarse natural aggregates with basic oxygen furnace (BOF) slag. By using different mixture designs to obtain the optimal asphalt content, and then conducting performance tests and analysis of variance (ANOVA) between the test set and the comparison set, this study explores whether the replacement of coarse natural aggregate with BOF slag would reduce the durability and strength of DGAC. The mixture design results show that the BOF aggregates decreased the VMA of hot-mix asphalt; however, laboratory performance tests, especially moisture sensitivity and creep tests, showed that the lack of VMA did not adversely affect the durability of DGAC. Based on these results, 100% replacement of coarse natural aggregates with BOF slag is considered feasible and worthy of further study.

主出版物標題Advanced Characterization of Asphalt and Concrete Materials - Selected Papers from the Proceedings of the Geo-Hubei 2014 International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure
發行者American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
版本255 GSP
出版狀態已出版 - 2014
事件Geo-Hubei 2014 International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure: Advanced Characterization of Asphalt and Concrete Materials - Yichang, Hubei, China
持續時間: 20 7月 201422 7月 2014


名字Geotechnical Special Publication
號碼255 GSP


???event.eventtypes.event.conference???Geo-Hubei 2014 International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure: Advanced Characterization of Asphalt and Concrete Materials
城市Yichang, Hubei


深入研究「Performance of replacing traditional natural aggregates in dense grade asphalt concrete with basic oxygen furnace slag」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
