Networked portfolio with real time learning monitoring system

Hsien Tang Lin, Zhi Feng Liu, Shyan Ming Yuan

研究成果: 書貢獻/報告類型會議論文篇章同行評審

2 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


Portfolio is a process which systematically and purposefully collects artifacts or works created by students. These works and artifacts not only can be treated as a reference to improve students' learning process, but also as a learning outcome when passing into next learning stage or seeking a job. Assessment in such a way is called authentic assessment, since it assesses students' real learning performance. Portfolio process requires administrative staffs, students, and teachers to put effort on. To keep this process working, teachers take most of burden. In this paper we present a web-based system which will let teachers take burden as low as possible while provide most beneficial to students. This system has been installed at an Institute of Technology in Taiwan, the result shows positive and most of students appreciate functionality of this system.

主出版物標題Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2004
編輯 Kinshuk, C.-K. Looi, E. Sutinen, D. Sampson, I. Aedo, L. Uden, E. Kaehkoenen
出版狀態已出版 - 2004
事件Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2004 - Joensuu, Finland
持續時間: 30 8月 20041 9月 2004


名字Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2004


???event.eventtypes.event.conference???Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2004


深入研究「Networked portfolio with real time learning monitoring system」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
