MatrixDesks: Interactive computing desks toward one-on-two educational computing environments

Hercy N.H. Cheng, Yi Chan Deng, Ben Chang, Tak Wai Chan

研究成果: 書貢獻/報告類型篇章同行評審


The era of 1:1 educational computing environment where each student has one mobile computing device is not far away. When such technology designed for individuals is applied to group learning, several student grouping problems could be encountered. In this paper, three issues are identified to illustrate the vision of the 1:2 educational computing environments. In a 1:2 classroom, besides the mobile devices, students also have their own computing desks, i.e. MatrixDesks, to solve the potential student grouping problems. By putting MatrixDesks together, a small group can form a shared working space with the combined desktops immediately and they can use their own digital pens as the input devices to work on and talk over it. Meanwhile, the students use their mobile devices to handle the related individual tasks. MatrixDesks is a coordination of applying the mobile computing and invisible computing to collaborative learning, which will lead to the accomplishment of 1:2 educational computing environments.

主出版物標題Computer Supported Collaborative Learning 2005
主出版物子標題The Next 10 Years!
發行者Taylor and Francis
出版狀態已出版 - 3 10月 2017


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