How does escapism foster game experience and game use?

Tzu Ling Huang, Jin Rong Yeh, Gen Yih Liao, T. C.E. Cheng, Yan Cheng Chang, Ching I. Teng

研究成果: 雜誌貢獻期刊論文同行評審

4 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


Online games represent a rapidly growing and competitive global market for technology firms. Games are viewed as places where people can temporarily escape from reality. However, it is unclear how game escapism fosters game experience and game use, thus indicating a research gap. This gap keeps decision-makers (i.e., firms and policy-makers) in the dark regarding how game escapism affects gameplay, thus hindering effective decision-making. To fill this gap, uses and gratification theory is applied to build a model for explaining the mechanism underlying the influence of game escapism and telepresence on game experience and game use. We collect 1347 online gamer responses with which to test the model. The results indicate that game escapism improves all game experiences, while only enjoyment and concentration increase game use. Moreover, telepresence strengthens the impact of game escapism on enjoyment, concentration, and fantasy. Our findings offer insights for decision-makers, enabling them to leverage game mechanisms to either provide or negate the impact of game escapism, thus changing game use.

期刊Decision Support Systems
出版狀態已出版 - 6月 2024


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