Effect of alkyl properties and head groups of cationic surfactants on retention of cesium by organoclays

Tsing Hai Wang, Chi Jung Hsieh, Shih Min Lin, Ding Chiang Wu, Ming Hsu Li, Shi Ping Teng

研究成果: 雜誌貢獻期刊論文同行評審

34 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


Cationic surfactants modified clays exhibit high sorptive capability toward anionic radionuclides but retention of cationic radionuclides was concurrently reduced. In this study, organoclays were synthesized by intercalating a variety of primary/quaternary alkylammonium species (NH2R/(CH 3)3N+RBr-, where R = benzyl, dodecyl, and octadecyl) into bentonite MX-80. The effect of surfactant's properties on enhancing or limiting cationic sorption capability was investigated by performing Cs sorption experiments. Experimental results were analyzed using the MINEQL+ software by considering Cs uptake by structural and edge sorption sites. Bentonites that were intercalated with primary alkylammonium surfactants had a higher sorptive capacity than those intercalated with quaternary alkylammonium surfactants. Samples intercalated with octadecyl-bearing surfactants had the lowest sorption rate. XRD and FTIR analyses revealed that each organoclay had a characteristic arrangement of alkyl chains. The cation retention of organoclays was dominated by the extent of hydrophobic interactions affected by the local distribution and arrangement of surfactants. The intercalated primary alkylammoniun surfactants tended to transform into local clusters with a high packing density, leaving more structural sites available for Cs uptake. In contrast, the NH3R +-surfactants tended to form a denser monolayer over clay surface, inhibiting the retention of Cs at structural sites.

頁(從 - 到)5142-5147
期刊Environmental Science and Technology
出版狀態已出版 - 1 7月 2010


深入研究「Effect of alkyl properties and head groups of cationic surfactants on retention of cesium by organoclays」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
