Eccentricities of flow - Elliptic flow fluctuations and evidence for transverse localization in the initial state of the matter in relativistic heavy ion collisions

S. Manly, B. Alver, B. B. Back, M. D. Baker, M. Ballintijn, D. S. Barton, R. R. Betts, R. Bindel, W. Busza, Z. Chai, V. Chetluru, E. Garcia, T. Gburek, K. Gulbrandsen, J. Hamblen, I. Harnarine, C. Henderson, D. J. Hofman, R. S. Hollis, R. HolynskiB. Holzman, A. Iordanova, J. L. Kane, P. Kulinich, C. M. Kuo, W. Li, W. T. Lin, C. Loizides, A. C. Mignerey, R. Nouicer, A. Olszewski, R. Pak, C. Reed, E. Richardson, C. Roland, G. Roland, J. Sagerer, I. Sedykh, C. E. Smith, M. A. Stankiewicz, P. Steinberg, G. S.F. Stephans, A. Sukhanov, A. Szostak, M. B. Tonjes, A. Trzupek, G. J. Van Nieuwenhuizen, S. S. Vaurynovich, R. Verdier, G. I. Veres, P. Walters, E. Wenger, D. Willhelm, F. L.H. Wolfs, B. Wosiek, K. Woźniak, S. Wyngaardt, B. Wysłouch

研究成果: 雜誌貢獻期刊論文同行評審

1 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


Recent measurements of event-by-event elliptic flow in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 200GeV exhibit large relative fluctuations of about 40%-50%. The data are well described by fluctuations in the shape of the initial collision region, as estimated event-by-event with the participant eccentricity using Glauber Monte Carlo. These results, combined with the demonstrated participant eccentricity scaling of the elliptic flow across nuclear species, constitute evidence of transverse granularity in the initial matter production in these collisions.

頁(從 - 到)1133-1136
期刊Kao Neng Wu Li Yu Ho Wu Li/High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics
出版狀態已出版 - 1 12月 2007


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