Combining simulated annealing with tabu mechanism for the simple plant location problem

Jiunn Chin Wang, Jorng Tzong Horng, Baw Jhiune Liu

研究成果: 雜誌貢獻會議論文同行評審


This paper presents a hybrid method that combines the simulated annealing with tabu mechanism for the simple (or uncapacitated) plant location problem. Two modified heuristic procedures are applied for the generation mechanism in simulated annealing. In some cases, the moves guided by the heuristic procedures may cause the search stuck at a local optimum. To avoid this problem, the tabu list is incorporated with the move generation procedures to prohibit the strongly biased moves inherent in heuristics. Therefore, the search diversity is maintained and the most promising space may be explored at the earliest. In addition, a large perturbation scheme is introduced to leap over the barriers during a search and to explore another region of the search space. The control temperature is reheated whenever the large perturbation scheme is activated. The proposed algorithm was tested on a well-known data set taken from QAPLIB, with up to 100 potential locations and 1000 customers. Our experimental results show that the performance of simulated annealing is significantly improved by the incorporation of these two modified heuristics, the tabu list and the large perturbation scheme. The proposed algorithm is effective and outperforms the traditional simulated annealing and genetic algorithm both on the solution quality and the computation time.

頁(從 - 到)III-557 - III-562
期刊Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics
出版狀態已出版 - 1999
事件1999 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 'Human Communication and Cybernetics' - Tokyo, Jpn
持續時間: 12 10月 199915 10月 1999


深入研究「Combining simulated annealing with tabu mechanism for the simple plant location problem」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
