Broadcasting data items with time constraints based on on-demand multichannel in ubiquitous environments

Ding Jung Chiang, Chien Liang Chen, Chi Yi Lin, Timothy K. Shih

研究成果: 雜誌貢獻期刊論文同行評審


This study proposes mobile services with time _onstraints in ubiquitous computing environments based on _n-demand multichannel broadcasting. For real-time mobile _ervice, the need of mobile service for a real-time database _anagement model is strong and providing real-time _esponse to mobile transaction has became basic strategies _n mobile data management. However, the resource _onstraints of ubiquitous computing systems make it _ifficult to satisfy timing requirements of supported _trategies. This study provides on-line scheduling strategies _or mobile data with timing constraint on multichannel _roadcasting environments based on on-demand mode. The _oal of this study ensures the most requests meeting their _eadlines, which differs from previously proposed _cheduling algorithms that aim to minimize the mean access _ime. The study presents a study of the performance of _raditional real-time strategies and demonstrates traditional _eal-time algorithms which do not always perform the best _n a mobile environment. The experimental results show the _roposed algorithm, called on-demand broadcast program _ith time constraint (BPTC), outperforms miss rate for data _imely delivery to mobile clients.

頁(從 - 到)689-696
期刊Journal of Networks
出版狀態已出版 - 5月 2011


深入研究「Broadcasting data items with time constraints based on on-demand multichannel in ubiquitous environments」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
