Assistive robot with action planner and schedule for family

Supanut Konngern, Naphssorn Kaibutr, Nawaporn Konru, Thitinan Tantidham, Chih Lin Hu, Tipajin Thaipisutikul, Timothy K. Shih, Pattanasak Mongkolwat

研究成果: 書貢獻/報告類型會議論文篇章同行評審

2 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


In the present day, the world is moving quickly, making the modern live of people to be more complex. Some people may have less time to manage their schedules, which could make them forget to do something that may be important. Especially, a family may not be able to manage their time well because they are caught up in their busy works. We have developed an application to help members in a family to manage their schedule. This application is a scheduling application with reminder, a user can add tasks for other family members and specify an activity, a place to remind each activity, and a person who is going to be reminded or do the activity. Multiple tasks can be complied together to become a plan, a plan specifies the date and time that the defined tasks must be done. In reminder part, we use a personal robot assistant called Zenbo from ASUS opened for developers. Zenbo has capabilities to speak, move, detect persons and much more. It works with the application to remind members in family to perform an activity at a preset time. Zenbo retrieves the information of tasks that stored on the application database. It can go to the specified place to notify a person to do the task. Users can view the history of the previous Because people are too busy and may not manage their time well, we developed a schedule and reminder application that works with Zenbo, to help people in family manage their activities and time effectively.

主出版物標題Proceedings - 2019 12th International Conference on Ubi-Media Computing, Ubi-Media 2019
發行者Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
出版狀態已出版 - 8月 2019
事件12th International Conference on Ubi-Media Computing, Ubi-Media 2019 - Bali, Indonesia
持續時間: 6 8月 20199 8月 2019


名字Proceedings - 2019 12th International Conference on Ubi-Media Computing, Ubi-Media 2019


???event.eventtypes.event.conference???12th International Conference on Ubi-Media Computing, Ubi-Media 2019


深入研究「Assistive robot with action planner and schedule for family」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
