Applying Data Driven Approach to Cluster Components for Preventive Maintenance

Ping Yu Hsu, Hong Tsuen Lei, Ming Shien Cheng, Tzu Fan Yuan

研究成果: 書貢獻/報告類型篇章同行評審

3 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)


McKone et al. (J Oper Manag 19:39–58, 2001) proposed Total Preventive maintenance (TPM), Just in time (JIT) and Total quality management (TQM) to contribute significantly to manufacturing performance (MP) and TPM could be considered as a part of the manufacturing strategy. The use of preventive maintenance in equipment maintenance could effectively reduce machine occurrence and reduce machine efficiency due to failure (Niu et al. in Reliab Eng Syst Saf 95:786–796, 2010; Panagiotidou and Tagaras in Eur J Oper Res 180:329–353, 2007; Swanson in Int J Prod Econ 70:237–244, 2001). Many studies in the past have applied the concept of total preventive maintenance (TPM) to equipment maintenance to reduce downtime and improve machine efficiency effectively (Panagiotidou and Tagaras in Eur J Oper Res 180:329–353, 2007; Swanson in Int J Prod Econ 70:237–244, 2001). Utilizing preventive maintenance can reduce machine’s shutdown and improve the equipment efficiency. The traditional total preventive maintenance methods focused on maintaining single component. The research, however, strives to maintain a group of components to further reduce the maintenance time. The components were clustered into group according to their distributions of lifespans. The clusters that saved the most maintenance costs are recommended to managers for maintenance scheduling. The methodology was applied to an auto component company for experiments. The results showed that OEE was improved from 81 to 84%.

主出版物標題Lecture Notes in Production Engineering
發行者Springer Nature
出版狀態已出版 - 2023


名字Lecture Notes in Production Engineering
Part F1164


深入研究「Applying Data Driven Approach to Cluster Components for Preventive Maintenance」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
