A virtual reality oriented clinical experiment on post-stroke rehabilitation: Performance and preference comparison among different stereoscopic displays

Shih Ching Yeh, Albert Rizzo, Alexander A. Sawchuk

研究成果: 書貢獻/報告類型會議論文篇章同行評審


We have developed a novel VR task: the Dynamic Reaching Test, that measures human forearm movement in 3D space. In this task, three different stereoscopic displays: autostereoscopic (AS), shutter glasses (SG) and head mounted display (HMD), are used in tests in which subjects must catch a virtual ball thrown at them. Parameters such as percentage of successful catches, movement efficiency (subject path length compared to minimal path length), and reaction time are measured to evaluate differences in 3D perception among the three stereoscopic displays. The SG produces the highest percentage of successful catches, though the difference between the three displays is small, implying that users can perform the VR task with any of the displays. The SG and HMD produced the best movement efficiency, while the AS was slightly less efficient. Finally, the AS and HMD produced similar reaction times that were slightly higher (by 0.1 s) than the SG. We conclude that SG and HMD displays were the most effective, but only slightly better than the AS display.

主出版物標題Proceedings of SPIE-IS and T Electronic Imaging - Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems XIV
出版狀態已出版 - 2007
事件Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems XIV - San Jose, CA, United States
持續時間: 29 1月 200731 1月 2007


名字Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering


???event.eventtypes.event.conference???Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems XIV
國家/地區United States
城市San Jose, CA


深入研究「A virtual reality oriented clinical experiment on post-stroke rehabilitation: Performance and preference comparison among different stereoscopic displays」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
