A hybrid model coupling analytic simulation with optimization for rule-curve based operation in tandem multireservoir systems

S. C. Lin, R. S. Wu, M. H. Wang

研究成果: 書貢獻/報告類型會議論文篇章同行評審


The paper presents a new hybrid model by coupling the genetic algorithm (GA) with analytic-based simulation modeling to overcome computationally intractable of the curse of dimensionality, and determine a set of optimal operating rule-curves for a multireservoir system. The major improvement of this model compared with previous studies is the use of analytic solutions for reservoir releases in multireservoir systems. Furthermore, a GA search technique in the model is proposed to find a set of rule curves by different approaches in coding and decoding. A pilot application for Feitsui reservoir, Pinlin reservoir, Chihtan dam and Chingtan barrage is demonstrated to reveal the merits of this automation model on rule-curve based operation for complex multireservoir and barrage systems.

主出版物標題Water Resources Management III
編輯C.A. Brebbia, C.A. Brebbia
出版狀態已出版 - 2003
事件Second International Conference on Water Resources Management, Water Resources Management II - Las Palmas, Spain
持續時間: 30 4月 20032 5月 2003


名字Progress in Water Resources


???event.eventtypes.event.conference???Second International Conference on Water Resources Management, Water Resources Management II
城市Las Palmas


深入研究「A hybrid model coupling analytic simulation with optimization for rule-curve based operation in tandem multireservoir systems」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
