A Fast and Secure AKA Protocol for B5G

Jung Hsien Wu, Jie Yu Yang, Yu Ching Chang, Min Te Sun

研究成果: 書貢獻/報告類型會議論文篇章同行評審


With the popularity of mobile devices, the mobile service requirements are now changing rapidly. This implies that the micro network operator dedicated to a specific sector of users has the potential to improve the 5G architecture in terms of scalability and autonomy. However, the traditional AKA protocol does not allow the micro operator to authenticate mobile users independently. To solve this problem, we propose the Fast AKA protocol, which disseminates a subscriber's profile among base stations via a Blockchain and mutually authenticates the subscriber and serving base station locally for roaming. The proposed architecture speeds up the authentication process, provides forward/backward secrecy, and resists replay attack as well as man-in-The-middle attack. We believe that Fast AKA can serve as a cornerstone for B5G.

主出版物標題51st International Conference on Parallel Processing, ICPP 2022 - Workshop Proceedings
發行者Association for Computing Machinery
出版狀態已出版 - 29 8月 2022
事件51st International Conference on Parallel Processing, ICPP 2022 - Virtual, Online, France
持續時間: 29 8月 20221 9月 2022


名字ACM International Conference Proceeding Series


???event.eventtypes.event.conference???51st International Conference on Parallel Processing, ICPP 2022
城市Virtual, Online


深入研究「A Fast and Secure AKA Protocol for B5G」主題。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
