玻爾茲曼方程, 富氏分析
與 UN SDG 相關的專業知識
聯合國會員國於 2015 年同意 17 項全球永續發展目標 (SDG),以終結貧困、保護地球並確保全體的興盛繁榮。此人的作品有助於以下永續發展目標:
查看啟用 Yi-Hung Liu 的研究主題。這些主題標籤來自此人的作品。共同形成了獨特的指紋。
- 1 類似的個人檔案
CO2-activated graphite felt as an effective substrate to promote hydrogen peroxide synthesis and enhance the electro-Fenton activity of graphite/Fe3O4 composites in situ fabricated from acid mine drainage
Sun, Y. M., Li, C. & Liu, Y. H., 1月 2024, 於: Journal of Water Process Engineering. 57, 104690.研究成果: 雜誌貢獻 › 期刊論文 › 同行評審
6 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus) -
Low-cost fabrication of high-performance p-n heterojunction nanostructures for UV and visible light detection and organic gas sensing
Hsu, C. L., Lan, Y. J., Hsueh, H. T., Pan, Y. L. & Liu, Y. H., 25 3月 2024, 於: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 978, 173570.研究成果: 雜誌貢獻 › 期刊論文 › 同行評審
Multilayer-coating process for the synthesis of nickel-silicate composite with high Ni loading as high-rate performance lithium-ion anode material
Hsu, C. H., Liu, C. E., Liu, Y. H., Chen, W. C., Chang, Y. C. & Lin, H. P., 12月 2024, 於: Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. 165, 105814.研究成果: 雜誌貢獻 › 期刊論文 › 同行評審
Simultaneous structure and surface engineering of metal-organic framework derived LiNi0.5-xFe2xMn1.5-xO4 cathode material for improving high voltage performance of lithium-ion batteries
Liu, Y. H., Liu, J. H., Kuo, Y. S. & Kuo, J. K., 12月 2024, 於: Materials Today Energy. 46, 101711.研究成果: 雜誌貢獻 › 期刊論文 › 同行評審
Solution-processed poly(vinylidene difluoride)/cellulose acetate/Li1+xAlxTi2-x(PO4)3 composite solid electrolyte for improving electrochemical performance of solid-state lithium-ion batteries at room temperature
Chao, S. C., Kuo, Y. S., Chen, P. X. & Liu, Y. H., 15 11月 2024, 於: Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 674, p. 306-314 9 p.研究成果: 雜誌貢獻 › 期刊論文 › 同行評審
5 引文 斯高帕斯(Scopus)