Data Set S1: File “ds01.csv” contains the catalogue of relocated events used in this study. The columns in the file represent origin time (in year-month-day’H’hour’M’minute’S’seconds format), event longitude, event latitude, event depth in a sequential manner. Data Set S2: File “ds02.zip” contains four ASCII data files (ray_prmtrs12.txt, ray_prmtrs24.txt, ray_prmtrs48.txt and ray_prmtrs816.txt). The data files contain scattering coefficient (g*) and intrinsic coefficient (b) values in 1-2, 2-4 Hz, 4-8 Hz and 8-16 Hz bands respectively. The columns in the text files represent event latitude, event longitude, event depth, station latitude, station longitude, station velocity, envelope duration, g*, b, early-S window length, percentage error in early-S window, percentage error for full envelope, and event origin time in a sequential manner. Data Set S3: File “ds03.zip” contains four data files (envnodes15g_3_3_1-2.txt, envnodes15g_3_3_2-4.txt, envnodes15g_3_3_4-8.txt, and envnodes15g_3_3_8-16.txt), one BASH script containing GMT and Octave commands (Qs_envg.gmt), and a lat-long coordinate file (SAegean_poly_coord_extnd.txt) to mask the area outside the seismic network. The data files contain log10(Qsc-1) values in 1-2, 2-4, 4-8 and 8-16 Hz bands respectively. The columns in the text files represent node latitude, node longitude and log10(Qsc-1) value of the node sequentially. This GMT script also uses GSHHG coastline data whose path can be added to the script by changing the value of variable GDIR at the beginning of the script. The BASH script file can be run to see the spatial distribution of log10(Qsc-1) using GMT-6 (Wessel et al., 2019) and Octave version 5.1 and above. Data Set S4: File “ds04.zip” contains four data files (envnodes15b_3_3_1-2.txt, envnodes15b_3_3_2-4.txt, envnodes15b_3_3_4-8.txt, and envnodes15b_3_3_8-16.txt), one BASH script containing GMT and Octave commands (Qi_env.gmt), and a lat-long coordinate file (SAegean_poly_coord_extnd.txt) to mask the area outside the seismic network. The data files contain log10(Qi-1) values in 1-2, 2-4, 4-8 and 8-16 Hz bands respectively. The columns in the text files represent node latitude, node longitude and log10(Qi-1) value of the node sequentially. This GMT script also uses GSHHG coastline data whose path can be added to the script by changing the value of variable GDIR at the beginning of the script. The BASH script file can be run to see the spatial distribution of log10(Qi-1) using GMT-6 (Wessel et al., 2019) and Octave version 5.1 and above. Data Set S5: File “ds05.zip” contains four data files (envnodes15a_3_3_1-2.txt, envnodes15a_3_3_2-4.txt, envnodes15a_3_3_4-8.txt, and envnodes15a_3_3_8-16.txt), one BASH script containing GMT and Octave commands (albd_env.gmt), and a lat-long coordinate file (SAegean_poly_coord_extnd.txt) to mask the area outside the seismic network. The data files contain Albedo (Bo) as % values in 1-2, 2-4, 4-8 and 8-16 Hz bands respectively. The columns in the text files represent node latitude, node longitude and Bo value of the node sequentially. This GMT script also uses GSHHG coastline data whose path can be added to the script by changing the value of variable GDIR at the beginning of the script. The BASH script file can be run to see the spatial distribution of Bo using GMT-6 (Wessel et al., 2019) and Octave version 5.1 and above.
可用日期 | 21 9月 2020 |
發行者 | Zenodo |