Verification of 1D BJT numerical simulation and its application to mixed-level device and circuit simulation

Chia Cherng Chang, Jing Fu Dai, Yao Tsung Tsai

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In this paper, we study on a 1D BJT model, which saves the memory size and computation time and verify that the characteristic of 1D BJT model is in good agreement with 2D BJT model. We use the equivalent circuit approach to simulate the BJT device. Poisson's equation and continuity equations for electron and hole are formulated into a subcircuit format suitable for general circuit simulator in the equivalent circuit approach. In order to solve the 2D device simulation, the simulation environment needs a powerful solver. So we use the band matrix solver to replace the full matrix solver. But the 2D BJT simulation still needs a large computation time, so we must develop the efficient 1D BJT model. In 1D BJT simulation, we have overcome the base boundary condition and verified that the base boundary conditions in 1D BJT model closely approach to that in 2D BJT model. Finally, we apply it to two applications and study the operation concepts of these applications.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)81-94
Number of pages14
JournalInternational Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2003


  • 1D BJT
  • Bistable circuit
  • Device simulation
  • NDR oscillator


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