Using facebook to better engage college students in learning

Wei Bin Lee, Chun Wen Teng, Nien Lin Hsueh, Yung Hui Li

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

1 Scopus citations


When more and more people integrate Social Network Services (SNS) into their daily life, digital native students were more accustomed to communicate via SNS. Research shows SNS is beneficial to some academic goals, but research also shows most teachers hesitate about adopting SNS to assist teaching. Comparing to why should we integrate SNS into education, teachers are more interested in how to integrate SNS into education. In this study, two fomal college class students(N= 120) are examined the possible situation of praticing facebook assisted teaching may encounter. We found that even with the high information exchanging frequency made by facebook notification features, it's still hard to increase students' interaction without course interaction strategy. We also found the potential of creating issue group instead of class group to continue subject learning between students and alumni.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAdvances in Intelligent Systems and Applications -Volume 1 Proceedings of the International Computer Symposium ICS 2012 Held at Hualien,Taiwan
EditorsJain Lakhmi, Chang Ruay-Shiung, Peng Sheng-Lung
Number of pages6
StatePublished - 2013

Publication series

NameSmart Innovation, Systems and Technologies
ISSN (Print)2190-3018
ISSN (Electronic)2190-3026


  • College education
  • Computer mediated communication
  • Facebook
  • Student engagment


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