Unveiling the ultralow in-plane thermal conductivity in 2D organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite (EA)2PbI4 single crystals

Pai Chun Wei, Nashim Aktar, Jia Kai Hu, Cheng Chieh Wu, Yung Hsiang Tung, Chun Chuen Yang, Andrea Giugni

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This study highlights the extremely low in-plane thermal conductivity of the two-dimensional organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite (OIHP) EA2PbI4 single crystal, which approaches its amorphous limit near 300 K. To elucidate the mechanism underlying this ultralow thermal conductivity, phonon dispersion relations of EA2PbI4 were directly measured using inelastic neutron scattering. Additionally, the Debye temperature (θD) of EA2PbI4 was 284 K, corresponding to an average phonon group velocity of 2284 m s−1. The suppressed thermal transport efficiency is then attributed to the exceptionally short phonon mean free paths, which approach the bond lengths in the PbI6 framework. Moreover, a low Einstein temperature (θE) of 45 K was identified through heat capacity fitting, indicating the presence of low-lying optical vibrational modes as revealed by detailed Raman scattering measurements. These softened phonons can readily engage with acoustic ones, creating a more complex scattering environment. This study also reports exceptionally low exciton binding energies of 5.3-6.4 meV in high-quality EA2PbI4 single crystals, the lowest among OIHPs. These findings not only unveil the distinctive thermal transport behavior and optical properties of EA2PbI4 but also emphasize the unique lattice dynamics arising from the orientational dynamics of EA molecules and their coupling with the PbI6 octahedra.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)27686-27693
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of Materials Chemistry A
Issue number40
StatePublished - 13 Sep 2024


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