The study of loading rate effect of a Cu-based bulk metallic glass during nanoindentation

K. W. Chen, S. R. Jian, P. J. Wei, J. S.C. Jang, J. F. Lin

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

10 Scopus citations


In this study, the nanoindentation behavior of a Cu-Zr-Al-Ag bulk metallic glass was investigated at various loading rates. It is found that the load-displacement curve of indentation exhibits a significant serration of displacement jumps (pop-ins). The experiment data show that the depths of the pop-in site are a geometric series. The size of pop-ins increases with indentation depth but decreases with loading rate; a larger applied loading rate leads to smaller pop-ins during the indentation process. However, the experimental results indicate that the loading rate has no influence on the depth ratio of pop-in sites. FIB observation and TEM diffraction patterns show that the microstructure of the BMG material remained amorphous irrespective of the presence shear bands.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)S69-S73
JournalJournal of Alloys and Compounds
Issue numberSUPPL. 1
StatePublished - Aug 2010


  • Amorphous materials
  • Metals
  • Scanning and transmission electron microscopy


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