The preliminary study on Re-utilization of Ferrous-Nickel slag to replace conventional construction material for road construction (Sub-grade layer improvement)

Daud Huang, Shih Huang Chen, Hnin Hnin Mon

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

9 Scopus citations


Ferrous-nickel slag is an industrial waste material which produced from smelting process of ferrous-nickel uses in manufacturing of stainless steel and ferrous alloy industry, in China Guangdong province itself, it was estimated around 6-7million of ferrous-nickel slag has been produces annually, the common method in order to reutilize ferrous-nickel slag material is by using on cement industry (replace cement material) and as land-filling material. One of the main objectives of this study is to investigate the feasibility of reutilization of ferrous-nickel slag combined with soil improvement method to portion replace conventional construction materials such as sand and granular material on sub-grade or sub-base layer of pavement construction. Strength and swelling properties of ferrous-nickel slag and soil (sand) mixture after treatment with soil improvement agent will be use as main consideration the performances of ferrous-slag nickel material on road construction, includes 4-days soaked California Bearing Ratio (CBR), 7-day Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) and also swelling behaviour of the mixture.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationInnovation and Sustainable Technology in Road and Airfield Pavement
PublisherTrans Tech Publications Ltd
Number of pages9
ISBN (Print)9783037857403
StatePublished - 2013
Event8th International Conference on Road and Airfield Pavement Technology, ICPT 2013 - Taipei, Taiwan
Duration: 14 Jul 201318 Jul 2013

Publication series

NameAdvanced Materials Research
ISSN (Print)1022-6680


Conference8th International Conference on Road and Airfield Pavement Technology, ICPT 2013


  • California Bearing Ratio (CBR)
  • Ferrous-nickel slag
  • Soil improvement
  • Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS)


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