The global property of the dilute-to-dense transition of granular flows in a 2D channel

M. Hou, W. Chen, Z. Peng, T. Zhang, K. Lu, C. K. Chan

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


The dilute-to-dense transition of granular flow of particle size d 0 is studied experimentally in a two dimensional channel (width D) with confined exit (width d). It is found that there exists a maximum inflow rate Qc, above which the outflow changes from dilute to dense and the outflow rate Q(t) drops abruptly from Qc to a dense flow rate Q d. The re-scaled critical rate qc(≡Q c/(D/d0)) is found to be a function of a scaling variable λ only, i.e. qc ∼ F(λ), and λ ≡d/d0 d d/D-d. This form of λ suggests that the dilute-to-dense transition is a global property of the flow; unlike the jamming transition, which depends only on d/d0. The transition is found to occur when the area fraction of particles near the exit reaches a critical value 0.65±0.03.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationTraffic and Granular Flow 2003
PublisherSpringer Berlin Heidelberg
Number of pages9
ISBN (Print)3540258140, 9783540258148
StatePublished - 2005
Event5th International Workshop on Traffic and Granular Flow, TGF 2003 - Delft, Netherlands
Duration: 1 Oct 20033 Oct 2003

Publication series

NameTraffic and Granular Flow 2003


Conference5th International Workshop on Traffic and Granular Flow, TGF 2003


  • Granular flow
  • Hopper flow
  • Phase transition
  • Scaling law


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