Test beam results from the prototype L3 Silicon Microvertex Detector

A. Adam, O. Adriani, S. Ahlen, G. Ambrosi, E. Babucci, L. Baksay, A. Baschirotto, R. Battiston, A. Bay, Gy L. Bencze, B. Bertucci, M. Biasini, G. M. Bilei, G. J. Bobbink, M. Bosetti, M. L. Brooks, W. J. Burger, J. Busenitz, C. Camps, M. CariaG. Castellini, R. Castello, B. Checcucci, A. Chen, T. E. Coan, V. Commichau, D. DiBitonto, P. Duinker, S. Easo, P. Extermann, E. Fiandrini, A. Gabbanini, A. Gougas, K. Hangarter, C. Hauviller, A. Herve, G. Hu, M. I. Josa, J. S. Kapustinsky, D. Kim, W. W. Kinnison, J. Kornis, V. R. Krastev, G. Landi, M. Lebeau, D. M. Lee, R. Leiste, W. Lin, W. Lohmann, A. Marin, R. Massetti, G. Matay, G. B. Mills, H. Nowak, G. Passaleva, T. Paul, M. Pauluzzi, S. Pensotti, E. Perrin, P. G. Rancoita, M. Rattaggi, A. Rosch, A. Santocchia, R. Siedling, M. Sachwitz, P. Schmitz, B. Schöneich, L. Servoli, G. F. Susinno, G. Terzi, M. Tesi, F. Tonisch, J. Toth, G. Trowitzsch, G. Viertel, H. Vogt, S. Waldmeier, J. Wegmann, R. Weill, J. Xu, S. C. Yeh, B. Zhou

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Scopus citations


We report test beam results on the overall system performance of two modules of the L3 Silicon Microvertex Detector exposed to a 50 GeV pion beam. Each module consists of two AC coupled double-sided silicon strip detectors equipped with VLSI readout electronics. The associated data acquisition system comprises an 8 bit FADC, an optical data transmission circuit, a specialized data reduction processor and a synchronization module. A spatial resolution of 7.5 mu;m and 14 mu;m for the two coordinates and a detection efficiency in excess of 99% are measured.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)521-528
Number of pages8
JournalNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
Issue number3
StatePublished - 15 May 1994


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