Technological knowledge, spillover and productivity: Evidence from Taiwanese firm level panel data

Jong Rong Chen, Chih Hai Yang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

24 Scopus citations


Using a panel data on Taiwanese manufacturing firms from 1990-1997, this study investigates the relationship among technological knowledge, spillover and productivity. In addition to R&D stock, we also employ patent counts to construct the output-side indicators of knowledge and spillover to explore the relationship between knowledge and productivity. We find a very significant contribution of R&D, patents and spillover stock to productivity. In addition, the magnitude of the patent stock coefficient is substantially larger than that estimated by R&D stock. Our results imply that innovative activity investment has been very productive in increasing output for Taiwanese manufacturing firms in the 1990s.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2361-2371
Number of pages11
JournalApplied Economics
Issue number20
StatePublished - 10 Nov 2005


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