Study of χc2 production in photon-photon collisions

D. A. Bauer, R. Belcinski, R. C. Berg, H. H. Bingham, C. D. Buchanan, D. O. Caldwell, S. B. Chun, A. R. Clark, O. I. Dahl, M. Daoudi, J. J. Eastman, A. M. Eisner, K. H. Fairfield, G. Godfrey, G. S. Greenbaum, J. M. Hauptman, W. Hofmann, R. L. Holtzapple, S. Khacheryan, K. T. KnöpfleR. R. Kofler, D. J. Lambert, J. G. Layter, W. T. Lin, S. C. Loken, A. Lu, G. R. Lynch, J. E. Lys, R. J. Madaras, H. Marsiske, G. E. Masek, E. S. Miller, N. A. Nicol, D. R. Nygren, Y. T. Oyang, H. P. Paar, A. P.T. Palounek, D. E. Pellet, M. T. Ronan, R. R. Ross, G. Shapiro, B. C. Shen, R. W. Stephens, M. L. Stevenson, M. G. Strauss, M. K. Sullivan, W. Vernon, E. M. Wang, Y. X. Wang, W. A. Wenzel, H. Yamamoto, S. J. Yellin, G. P. Yost, G. Zapalac, C. Zeitlin

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19 Scopus citations


Two-photon production of the charmonium state χc has been studied by the TPC/Two-Gamma experiment at the SLAC e+e- collider PEP. We observe evidence of the χc2 state in the channel γγ→χc2, χc2→γJ/ψ, J/ψ→l+l- and obtain a value of Γγγc2)=3.4±1.7±0.9 keV. This is the first observation of the two-photon production of a χc state. Comparison is made with previous experimental results and QCD predictions for Γγγc2).

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)345-350
Number of pages6
JournalPhysics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
Issue number2-3
StatePublished - 25 Mar 1993


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