Structure of the southernmost Okinawa Trough from reflection and wide-angle seismic data

Frauke Klingelhoefer, Chao Shing Lee, Jing Yi Lin, Jean Claude Sibuet

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38 Scopus citations


During a passive seismic experiment in the Okinawa Trough the shots of two reflection profiles were recorded by ocean bottom seismometers (OBS). Both profiles include 3 ocean-bottom instruments, are about 65 km in length and located in the axial portion of the southwestern Okinawa Trough. Processing of the reflection seismic data images recent deformation of the sedimentary units. Forward modelling of the wide-angle data on both profiles reveals a 1-2 km thick sedimentary infill overlying an acoustic basement characterised by seismic velocities between 3.2 and 3.5 km/s. Crustal thickness could only be modelled on one profile and was determined to be around 10 km, thickening towards the Ryukyu Arc in the south. Gravity modelling was used to additionally constrain both profiles especially the deep structure of Profile 1.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)281-288
Number of pages8
Issue number3-4
StatePublished - 10 Mar 2009


  • Back-arc basin
  • Crustal structure
  • Okinawa Trough
  • Wide-angle seismics


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