Spectral power enhancement in a 100 GHz photonic millimeter-wave generator enabled by spectral line-by-line pulse shaping

F. M. Kuo, J. W. Shi, H. C. Chiang, H. P. Chuang, H. K. Chiou, C. L. Pan, N. W. Chen, H. J. Tsai, C. B. Huang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

64 Scopus citations


We report generation of high-modulation-depth photonic millimeter-wave (MMW) waveforms by applying line-by-line pulse shaping on a phase-modulated continuous-wave frequency comb. The optimized 20 and 100 GHz optical waveforms are then converted into electrical MMW signals using a near-ballistic uni-traveling-carrier photodiode (NBUTC-PD). A 7.4 dB MMW power enhancement is experimentally achieved by using 2.6 ps optimized pulses at a 100 GHz repetition rate, as compared with excitation by a conventional sinusoidal signal for the NBUTC-PD operated at the same photocurrent. This is in qualitative agreement with a theoretical analysis of spectral power enhancement by optical short pulses comprised of equi-amplitude frequency lines over sinusoidal excitation.

Original languageEnglish
Article number5545369
Pages (from-to)719-727
Number of pages9
JournalIEEE Photonics Journal
Issue number5
StatePublished - 2010


  • Microwave photonics signal
  • optical communications
  • photodetectors
  • pulse shaping


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