Solar and heliospheric disturbances that resulted in the strongest magnetic storm of November 20, 2003

Yu I. Ermolaev, L. M. Zelenyi, G. N. Zastenker, A. A. Petrukovich, I. G. Mitrofanov, M. L. Litvak, I. S. Veselovsky, M. I. Panasyuk, L. L. Lazutin, A. V. Dmitriev, A. N. Zhukov, S. N. Kuznetsov, I. N. Myagkova, B. Yu Yushkov, V. G. Kurt, A. A. Gnezdilov, R. V. Gorgutsa, A. K. Markeev, D. E. Sobolev, V. V. FomichevV. D. Kuznetsov, S. I. Boldyrev, I. M. Chertok, K. A. Boyarchuk, I. V. Krasheninnikov, O. P. Kolomiitsev, L. N. Leshchenko, A. V. Belov, S. P. Gaidash, Kh D. Kanonidi, S. A. Bogachev, I. A. Zhitnik, A. P. Ignat'ev, S. V. Kuzin, S. N. Oparin, A. A. Pertsov, V. A. Selemzin, N. K. Sukhodrev, S. V. Shestov, V. I. Vlasov, I. V. Chashei, E. V. Vashenyuk, Ya A. Sakharov, A. N. Danilin, V. M. Bogod, S. Kh Tokhchukova, A. V. Mikhalev, A. B. Beletskii, N. V. Kostyleva, M. A. Chernigovskaya, V. V. Grechnev, K. Kudela

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38 Scopus citations


The main data on observations of the Sun, interplanetary medium, and magnetosphere, obtained mainly by home researchers during the strongest magnetic storm of November 20, 2003 (Dst = -472 nT), are presented in the work. This period corresponds to the next earthward turning of the active side of the Sun that generated the series of the strongest solar flares (including flares of class > X17) and the magnetic storm with Dst = -401 nT from the end of October to the beginning of November 2003. Although the number and power of the flares were much smaller during the period under study, the magnetic storm was the second strongest for the entire period of observation of the Dst index and was apparently caused by the interaction of frequently occurred coronal mass ejections in the interplanetary space, as a result of which the region of interaction compressed and the southern IMF component increased to less than -45 nT.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)20-46
Number of pages27
JournalGeomagnetism and Aeronomy
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2005


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