Second-harmonic-assisted four-wave mixing in chip-based microresonator frequency comb generation

Xiaoxiao Xue, François Leo, Yi Xuan, Jose A. Jaramillo-Villegas, Pei Hsun Wang, Daniel E. Leaird, Miro Erkintalo, Minghao Qi, Andrew M. Weiner

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98 Scopus citations


Simultaneous Kerr comb formation and second-harmonic generation with on-chip microresonators can greatly facilitate comb self-referencing for optical clocks and frequency metrology. Moreover, the presence of both second- and third-order nonlinearities results in complex cavity dynamics that is of high scientific interest but is still far from being well-understood. Here, we demon-strate that the interaction between the fundamental and the second-harmonic waves can provide an entirely new way of phase matching for four-wave mixing in optical microresonators, enabling the generation of optical frequency combs in the normal dispersion regime under conditions where comb creation is ordinarily prohibited. We derive new coupled time-domain mean-field equations and obtain simulation results showing good qualitative agreement with our experimental observations. Our findings provide a novel way of overcoming the dispersion limit for simultaneous Kerr comb formation and second-harmonic generation, which might prove to be especially important in the near-visible to visible range where several atomic transitions commonly used for the stabilization of optical clocks are located and where the large normal material dispersion is likely to dominate.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere16253
JournalLight: Science and Applications
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2017


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