Sea surface temperature (SST) and SST anomaly (SSTA) datasets over the last four decades (1977–2016) during typhoon season (May to November) in the entire Global Ocean, North Pacific Ocean, Philippine Sea, South China sea, and Eastern China Sea

Ravi Shankar Pandey, Yuei An Liou

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3 Scopus citations


The Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies (SSTA) are created for the chosen study period from 1977 to 2016 (40-years) including the base period from 1941 to 1970 (30-years) using the two different raw Sea Surface Temperature (SST) datasets named Optimum Interpolation (OI) SST version 2 and Centennial in situ Observation-Based Estimates (COBE) SST version 2. The SSTA and SST are measured for each month from May to November (typhoon activity months in the North West Pacific) over the entire Global Ocean, especially focusing on the North Pacific Ocean; Philippine Sea; South China Sea; and Eastern China Sea (the marginal Seas of the North West Pacific Ocean). The OI-SST V2 dataset is directly accessed by the online link, which is made available by the Physical Sciences Laboratory (PSL) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). OI-SST V2 dataset contains monthly-averaged SST data from December 1981 to May 2020. COBE-SST V2 dataset belongs to the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) and is also made available by the PSL of NOAA through the online link COBE-SST V2 dataset contains a very long period of monthly-averaged SST data from January 1850 to December 2019. The SST data in both datasets are on a regular one-degree (1o) grid covering the entire Oceans of the Earth. Both datasets are in the Network Common Data Form (NetCDF)(.nc) and can be opened on any appropriate software platform like ESRI ArcGIS 10.5 for further analysis. All SST data presented in this article merely belong to the typhoon season months (from May to November) of the North West Pacific (NWP) Ocean basin and are thus crucial for typhoon-related research. At First, the SST data for each month from May to November over the whole study and the base periods are extracted for the entire Global Ocean. Then, for each successive 5-year period and 10-year period, the SST data is averaged separately for each month from May to November. Also, for the whole 40 years of the chosen current period and 30 years of the base period, the SST data is averaged separately for each month of the typhoon season. The successive year, 5-year, and 10-year SST data of the chosen current period is averaged for all seven months of typhoon season. Also, for the whole 40 years of the chosen current period and 30 years of the base period, the SST data is averaged over all seven months of typhoon season. Finally, the yearly, 5-yearly, 10-yearly, and monthly Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies (SSTA) are measured using the chosen current and base period data for the entire Global Ocean, North Pacific Ocean, Philippine Sea, South China sea, and Eastern China Sea. Statistical analyses are done, which are significant for global warming, SST, and typhoon-related research. For detailed analysis, explanation, and discussion, the readers are referred to the “Typhoon strength rising in the past four decades” [1].

Original languageEnglish
Article number108646
JournalData in Brief
StatePublished - Dec 2022


  • Eastern China Sea
  • Global ocean
  • North Pacific Ocean
  • North West Pacific
  • Philippine Sea
  • Sea surface temperature
  • Sea surface temperature anomaly
  • South China Sea


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