Reanalysis of L-band brightness predicted by the LSP/R model for prairie grassland: Incorporation of rough surface scattering

Y. A. Liou, K. S. Chen, T. D. Wu

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9 Scopus citations


L-band brightness predicted by the land surface process/radiobrightness (LSP/R) model for prairie grassland appears to be somewhat lower than expected. A crucial reason for the underestimate of the L-band brightness is that the soil surface was treated as smooth. In this paper, surface scattering of the soil determined by the IEM model is incorporated into the LSP/R model to examine its impact on the predicted L-band brightness. Eight sets of surface parameters, two correlation lengths (L) of 3 and 6 cm×4 root mean squared (RMS) heights (σ) of 0.3, 0.6, 0.8, and 1.0 cm, are utilized to characterize the emission of the soil surface. It is found that H-polarized, L-band brightness is expectedly increased by different levels for all of the eight rough surface cases compared to the smooth surface case. The increase in the average of the H-polarized, L-band brightness is by as much as 13.2 K for the case with L = 3 cm and σ = 1.0 cm. In addition, L-band's sensitivity to soil moisture is found to be approximately equal with and without the scattering effects. An increase in H-polarized, L-band brightness by about 12 K at the end of a 14-day simulation by the LSP/R model is in response to a decrease in soil moisture by 7% for all of the nine cases of concern (eight rough plus one smooth soil surfaces).

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)129-135
Number of pages7
JournalIEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2001


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