Production of schizophyllan glucan by Schizophyllum commune ATCC 38548 from detoxificated hydrolysate of rice hull

Chin Hang Shu, Hui Ju Hsu

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38 Scopus citations


Production of schizophyllan glucan (bioflocculant) of Schizophyllum commune using the activated charcoal detoxificated rice hull hydrolysate was investigated and established in this study. Results indicated S. commune was highly sensitive to furfural and sodium ions; however, supplementation of acetic acid (0.5. g/L) to media could improve the tolerance of S. commune to sodium ions. Two folds of enhancement of the product yield achieved when the optimal detoxificated hydrolysate treated with calcium dioxide was used as compared to that of the NaOH-neutralized hydrolysate. Bioflocculant production reached 1.30. g/L in the optimal detoxificated hydrolysate after 16 days of cultivation with a 2.8-fold enhancement as compared to that of the hydrolysate without detoxification. The study firstly demonstrated the feasibility of using the activated charcoal detoxificated rice hull hydrolysate for schizophyllan production by S. commune. And, the influence of individual or combined inhibitors of rice hull hydrolyate on the growth and product formation of S. commune was clarified. Low concentrations of acetic acid could diminish the inhibition of combined inhibitors under a high salt concentration.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)387-393
Number of pages7
JournalJournal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers
Issue number3
StatePublished - May 2011


  • Acetic acid
  • Dilute acid hydrolysate
  • Furfural
  • HMF
  • PH
  • Schizophyllum commune
  • Submerged culture


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