Optical design and testing: Introduction

Yi Chin Fang, Chao Wen Liang, John Koshel, Jose Sasian, Toyohiko Yatagai, Yongtian Wang, James M. Zavisian

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Optical design and testing have numerous applications in industrial, military, consumer, and bio-medical settings. This issue features original research ranging from the optical design of image and nonimage optical stimuli for human perception, optics applications, bio-optics applications, displays, and solar energy systems to novel imaging modalities from deep UV to infrared spectral imaging, a systems perspective to imaging, as well as optical measurement. In addition, new concepts and trends for optics and further optical systems will be especially highlighted in this special issue.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)ODT1-ODT2
JournalApplied Optics
Issue number28
StatePublished - Oct 2015


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