On the origin of burst Pc1 pulsations produced in interaction with an oblique interplanetary shock

V. A. Parkhomov, A. V. Dmitriev, B. Tsegmed

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1 Scopus citations


We examined the features of bursts of unstructured Pc1 geomagnetic pulsations recorded with period in the range T=2-5 s on 19 November 2007 using simultaneous observations by the geosynchronous satellites GOES-10,11,12, a constellation of high-apogee satellites THEMIS and by the CARISMA ground-based network of magnetometers. The pulsation excitation resulted from contact of an oblique interplanetary shock wave (ISW) with the magnetosphere. At geosynchronous orbit, we found eastward drift of the source of Pc1 bursts observed first by GOES-11 (~09 MLT), then by GOES-12 (~13 MLT) and, finally, by GOES-10 (~14 MLT). Ground-based observatories with ~40° longitudinal separation observed the excitation of oscillations with a delay to the west and east as compared with the median Fort Simpson observatory. An increase in frequency, seen at the sharp leading edge of oscillations, lasted for about 150 s. We determined the propagation velocity of the pulsations' source from the difference between the first observations of the pulsations by the satellites and at the Earth. In order to interpret the observed patterns of pulsation we considered different mechanisms such as: (1) Eastward drifting clouds of energetic electrons accelerated due to compression of the magnetosphere; (2) Plasmaspheric bulges (or detached plasma); (3) Magnetopause surface waves generated in the region of contact with the ISW and resulting in undulation of the region of developing the cyclotron instability.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)21-31
Number of pages11
JournalPlanetary and Space Science
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2015


  • Oblique interplanetary shock
  • Outer magnetosphere
  • Plasmapause
  • Storm sudden commencement
  • Unstructured Pc1geomagnetic pulsations


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