Morse inequalities for fourier components of kohn-rossi cohomology of CR covering manifolds with s1-action

Rung Tzung Huang, Guokuan Shao

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1 Scopus citations


Let X be a compact connected CR manifold of dimension 2n+1, n ≥ 1. Let X be a paracompact CR manifold with a transversal CR S1-action, such that there is a discrete group Γ acting freely on X having X = X=Γ. Based on an asymptotic formula for the Fourier components of the heat kernel with respect to the S1-action, we establish the Morse inequalities for Fourier components of reduced L2-Kohn-Rossi cohomology with values in a rigid CR vector bundle over X. As a corollary, we obtain the Morse inequalities for Fourier components of Kohn-Rossi cohomology on X which were obtained by Hsiao and Li (2016) by using Szegó kernel method.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)439-462
Number of pages24
JournalPacific Journal of Mathematics
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2020


  • CR manifold
  • Heat kernel
  • Kohn-Rossi cohomology


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