Modeling conduction in electron waveguides with finite-range impurities

Hoshik Lee, Han Hsu, L. E. Reichl

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

11 Scopus citations


We study the conductance of an electron waveguide with a finite range impurity using reaction matrix theory. We compute the scattering matrix for the waveguide and use it to obtain an exact expression for the Landauer conductance. In an effort to simplify the computation of conductance in such systems, we review the convergence difficulties that occur if δ-function impurities in two space dimensions are used in place of finite range impurities. We compare our exact result for the waveguide conductance with a finite range impurity with the case of the δ-function impurity with the finite number of modes. We determine conditions for which a δ-function impurity can be used to approximate the conductance when a finite range impurity is present.

Original languageEnglish
Article number045307
JournalPhysical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Issue number4
StatePublished - Jan 2005


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