Low temperature Cu–Cu direct bonding in air ambient by ultrafast surface grain growth

Yun Fong Lee, Yu Chen Huang, Jui Sheng Chang, Ting Yi Cheng, Po Yu Chen, Wei Chieh Huang, Mei Hsin Lo, Kuan Lin Fu, Tse Lin Lai, Po Kai Chang, Zhong Yen Yu, Cheng Yi Liu

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Fine-grain copper (Cu) films (grain size: 100.36 nm) with a near-atomic-scale surface (0.39 nm) were electroplated. Without advanced post-surface treatment, Cu–Cu direct bonding can be achieved with present-day fine-grain Cu films at 130℃ in air ambient with a minimum pressure of 1 MPa. The instantaneous growth rate on the first day is 164.29 nm d-1. Also, the average growth rate (∆R/∆t) is evaluated by the present experimental results: (i) 218.185 nm d-1 for the first-day period and (ii) 105.58 nm d-1 during the first 14-day period. Ultrafast grain growth and near-atomic-scale surface facilitate grain boundary motion across the bonding interface, which is the key to achieve Cu–Cu direct bonding at 130℃ in air ambient.

Original languageEnglish
Article number240459
JournalRoyal Society Open Science
Issue number9
StatePublished - 11 Sep 2024


  • Cu–Cu direct bonding
  • electroplating
  • near-atomic-scale surface
  • self-annealing
  • ultrafast grain growth


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