LEAP-UCD-2017 comparison of centrifuge test results

Bruce L. Kutter, Trevor J. Carey, Nicholas Stone, Bao Li Zheng, Andreas Gavras, Majid T. Manzari, Mourad Zeghal, Tarek Abdoun, Evangelia Korre, Sandra Escoffier, Stuart K. Haigh, Gopal S.P. Madabhushi, Srikanth S.C. Madabhushi, Wen Yi Hung, Ting Wei Liao, Dong Soo Kim, Seong Nam Kim, Jeong Gon Ha, Nam Ryong Kim, Mitsu OkamuraAsri Nurani Sjafruddin, Tetsuo Tobita, Kyohei Ueda, Ruben Vargas, Yan Guo Zhou, Kai Liu

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

23 Scopus citations


This paper compares experimental results from every facility for LEAP-UCD-2017. The specified experiment consisted of a submerged medium-dense clean sand with a 5-degree slope subjected to 1 Hz ramped sine wave base motion in a rigid container. The ground motions and soil density were intentionally varied from experiment to experiment in hopes of defining the slope of the relational trend between response (e.g., displacement, pore pressure), intensity of shaking, and density or relative density. This paper is also intended to serve as a useful starting point for overview of the experimental results and to help others find specific experiments if they want to select a subset for further analysis. The results of the experiments show significant differences between each other, but the responses show a significant correlation, R2 ~ 0.7-0.8, to the known variation of the input parameters.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationModel Tests and Numerical Simulations of Liquefaction and Lateral Spreading
Subtitle of host publicationLEAP-UCD-2017
PublisherSpringer International Publishing
Number of pages35
ISBN (Electronic)9783030228187
ISBN (Print)9783030228170
StatePublished - 15 Nov 2019


  • Centrifuge model test
  • LEAP
  • Lateral spreading
  • Liquefaction
  • Reproducibility
  • Round robin test
  • Validation


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