Knowledge abstraction approach for multimedia presentation

Timothy Shih, Louis R. Chao, Chi Ming Chung, Y. H. Wang, Wei Chuan Lin, W. C. Pai

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


The demonstration of multimedia presentation can be promoted by using multi-vendor's tools. The more tools are used, the more complicated communication is needed among these tools. The integration of these multimedia presentation tools is thus important. This paper describes an architecture named Tool Integration Platform (TIP) to integrate tools in a knowledge abstraction way. TIP is composed of a CID(Control Integration Daemon), a CII(Control Integration Interface) and some Integration Inference Rules(IIR) that are applied by the Integration Inference Engine(IIE). The IIR are stored in a Repository and used to deduce tool knowledge dynamically. In this way, many tools can be integrated into a cooperative multimedia presentation developing environment. To verify this architecture, a number of multimedia tools are integrated into TIP. Finally, an integration assessing method is used to evaluate the integration status of tools in TIP.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages5
StatePublished - 1997
EventProceedings of the 1997 29th Southeastern Symposium on System Theory, SSST - Cookeville, TN, USA
Duration: 9 Mar 199711 Mar 1997


ConferenceProceedings of the 1997 29th Southeastern Symposium on System Theory, SSST
CityCookeville, TN, USA


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