Investigation of the electromagnetic structure of and emesons by two-photon interactions

H. Aihara, M. Alston-Garnjost, R. E. Avery, A. Barbaro-Galtieri, A. R. Barker, B. A. Barnett, D. A. Bauer, A. Bay, G. J. Bobbink, C. D. Buchanan, A. Buijs, D. O. Caldwell, H. Y. Chao, S. B. Chun, A. R. Clark, G. D. Cowan, D. A. Crane, O. I. Dahl, M. Daoudi, K. A. DerbyJ. J. Eastman, P. H. Eberhard, T. K. Edberg, A. M. Eisner, F. C. Erné, K. H. Fairfield, J. M. Hauptman, W. Hofmann, J. Hylen, T. Kamae, H. S. Kaye, R. W. Kenney, S. Khacheryan, R. R. Kofler, W. G.J. Langeveld, J. G. Layter, W. T. Lin, F. L. Linde, S. C. Loken, A. Lu, G. R. Lynch, R. J. Madaras, B. D. Magnuson, G. E. Masek, L. G. Mathis, J. A.J. Matthews, S. J. Maxfield, E. S. Miller, W. Moses, D. R. Nygren, P. J. Oddone, H. P. Paar, S. K. Park, D. E. Pellett, M. Pripstein, M. T. Ronan, R. R. Ross, F. R. Rouse, K. A. Schwitkis, J. C. Sens, G. Shapiro, B. C. Shen, J. R. Smith, J. S. Steinman, R. W. Stephens, M. L. Stevenson, D. H. Stork, M. G. Strauss, M. K. Sullivan, T. Takahashi, S. Toutounchi, R. Van Tyen, W. Vernon, W. Wagner, E. M. Wang, Y. X. Wang, W. A. Wenzel, Z. R. Wolf, H. Yamamoto, S. J. Yellin, C. Zeitlin

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

94 Scopus citations


The TPC/Two-Gamma facility at the SLAC e+e- storage ring PEP was used to study the reactions * and *e. The * and e* transition form factors were measured as functions of Q2, the negative of the invariant mass squared of the tagged photon, in the range 0.1<Q2<7 GeV2. These determinations of the electromagnetic structure of the and e mesons are consistent with both vector-meson dominance and QCD. They also provide new measurements of the pseudoscalar mixing angle and decay constants.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)172-175
Number of pages4
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Issue number2
StatePublished - 1990


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