Investigating the impact of it ambidexterity on digital innovation capability

Jeffrey C.F. Tai, Eric T.G. Wang, Kai Wang

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

8 Scopus citations


Digital innovation is characterized by generativity, in which digital technologies act upon other technologies, products, services, or processes to generate innovations. Because of generativity, digital innovation should be understood as involving multiple events that could be associated with changes in the process and outcome of IS and business activities. Drawing upon Swanson’s (1994) tri-core model of IS innovation, this study argues that digital innovation could entail innovative IS activities in the functional IS, business administration, and business technology areas. Since these areas rely differently upon innovative digital technologies, this study suggests that organizations should pursue IT exploitation and IT exploration simultaneously in order to improve digital innovation capability.

Original languageEnglish
StatePublished - 2017
Event21st Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems: Societal Transformation Through IS/IT, PACIS 2017 - Langkawi, Malaysia
Duration: 16 Jul 201720 Jul 2017


Conference21st Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems: Societal Transformation Through IS/IT, PACIS 2017


  • Digital innovation
  • IT ambidexterity
  • Tri-core model of IS innovation


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