Influence of Gaps in Capping Clay Layer on Liquefaction

Sara Khoshnevisan, Lei Wang, Wei Wang, Hsein Juang

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


Typical practice for assessing liquefaction-induced deformations is to use a number of in situ tests. However, the actual soil profile is often more complex and the sedimentary architectures are not always uniform. Due to this variability, the liquefaction-induced ground deformations are difficult to assess with certainty. Recent studies have shown that presence of a continuous impermeable layer within a liquefiable permeable deposit could affect the formation of the water film beneath it. However, little effort has been directed to the effect of discontinuous distribution of impermeable layers on the liquefaction potential. Thus, there is a need to explore the effect of discontinuous impermeable layers on liquefaction surface manifestation. In this paper, simplified site models are built to study this effect through numerical modeling. The results indicate that the discontinuity of the capping clay layer affects the redistribution of the pore pressure, and thus the patterns and magnitude of liquefaction-induced deformations.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationGeotechnical Special Publication
EditorsChristopher L. Meehan, Sanjeev Kumar, Miguel A. Pando, Joseph T. Coe
PublisherAmerican Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
Number of pages6
EditionGSP 308
ISBN (Electronic)9780784482100
ISBN (Print)9780784482100
StatePublished - 2019
Event8th International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering: Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, Geo-Congress 2019 - Philadelphia, United States
Duration: 24 Mar 201927 Mar 2019

Publication series

NameGeotechnical Special Publication
NumberGSP 308
ISSN (Print)0895-0563


Conference8th International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering: Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, Geo-Congress 2019
Country/TerritoryUnited States


  • liquefaction
  • numerical modeling
  • pore water pressure
  • water film


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