From the dual hermeneutic turn to systemic hermeneutics: Starting from the effective history of the reformation

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The Reformation has just celebrated its Five Hundredth Anniversary, the discussion of its impact on Europe, Western culture and even the history of the worid is currently full of enthusiasm, but this essay will explore a unique line of thought in this regard, namely the relationship between the Reformation and contemporary hermeneutic philosophy. This will be performed in the following way. First of all, it deals with the general context of the process of the occidental classical philosophy through the Reformation to the turn of the philosophical hermeneutics, thus the paradigm shift from the ancient greek apxh-philosophy to the Germanic-mysticistical theological philosophizing, from which the doubled hermeneutic turn arises. One is the turning of Western philosophy to hermeneutic philosophizing, the other the turning of Western hermeneutics to philosophical hermeneutics. Thereafter it treats with the twofold key in the history of the genesis and development of contemporary German hermeneutics: the hermeneutic turn that is originated from Heidegger and executed through Gadamer, especially their original ideas and the resulting controversy of European-continental hermeneutics. Finally, this controversy shall be resolved by the innovative conception of systemic hermeneutics, which can transform such hermeneutic disputes into reciprocally complementary hermeneutical ways of thinking, modes, and approaches.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)167-188
Number of pages22
JournalSino-Christian Studies
Issue number25
StatePublished - Jun 2018


  • German mysticism
  • Hermeneutic philosophy
  • Philosophy
  • Reformation
  • Systemics


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