Enhanced shear protection and increased production of an anti-tumor polysaccharide by Agaricus blazei in xanthan-supplemented cultures

Chin Hang Shu, Bor Jiun Wen

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

19 Scopus citations


Xanthan supplementation provided shear protection and stimulated polysaccharide production by Agaricus blazei. In xanthan-free cultures, the optimal cell yield, 0.63 g biomass g-1 glucose, and product yield, 0.19 g polysaccharide g-1 glucose, were, respectively, when the critical impeller tip speed was 50.3 cm s-1 and 100.5 cm s-1. Furthermore, the critical impeller tip speed of cell yield shifted from 50.3 cm s-1 to 100.5 cm s-1 with the supplementation of 1 g xanthan l-1. Maximum specific product yield, namely 0.74 g polysaccharide g-1 biomass, was achieved with inlet air supply of 3% O2 and impeller tip speed of 100.5 cm s-1.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)873-876
Number of pages4
JournalBiotechnology Letters
Issue number11
StatePublished - Jun 2003


  • Agaricus blazei
  • Anti-tumor polysaccharide
  • Shear protection
  • Stirred tank reactor
  • Xanthan


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