Elasticity of single-crystal phase D (a dense hydrous magnesium silicate) by Brillouin spectroscopy

Lin Gun Liu, K. Okamoto, Yi Jong Yang, Chien Chih Chen, Chung Cherng Lin

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19 Scopus citations


Phase D (MgSi2O6H2) is the only hydrous magnesium silicate, where all Si atoms are octahedrally coordinated. The single-crystal elastic constants of phase D have been measured by Brillouin spectroscopy at ambient conditions. The elastic constants C11, C 33, C44, C12, C13 and C 14, based on a trigonal unit cell, are 284.4±3.0, 339.4±9.1,120.7±1.9, 89.4±4.2,126.6±3.1 and -4.7±1.4 GPa, respectively. The aggregate adiabatic bulk modulus, using the Voigt-Reuss-Hill (VRH) scheme, is 175.3± 14.8 GPa and the shear modulus is 104.4± 13.6 GPa. These data yield the compressional-wave velocity, Vp=9.70± 0.51 km/s, and the shear-wave velocity, Vs=5.59 ±0.36 km/s, at ambient conditions. Thus, phase D is not only the most closely packed but the least compressible hydrous magnesium silicate known to date.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)517-520
Number of pages4
JournalSolid State Communications
Issue number8
StatePublished - Nov 2004


  • A. Inorganic crystals
  • D. Elasticity
  • D. Mechanical properties
  • E. Elastic light scattering


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