Efficient resource allocation for IEEE 802.15.3(a) ad hoc networks

Yi Hsien Tseng, Hsiao Kuang Wu, Kuen Long Shieh, Gen Huey Chen

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2 Scopus citations


IEEE 802.15.3(a) is working to design a higher speed PHY enhancement amendment to 802.15.3 such as ultra-wideband which can provide precise timing and location information. This paper proposes an effective resource allocation mechanism which can guarantee the QoS properties of multimedia traffics and provide higher channel utilization by the aid of location information. The proposed mechanism, which is executed by the piconet coordinator, consists of three components: grouping, call admission control, and best effort traffic maximization. The grouping component groups non-interfering traffics together so that they are allowed to be transmitted simultaneously. The problem of grouping is shown equivalent to the graph coloring problem for which a lot of algorithms are available. The CAC component is responsible for QoS guarantee. The best effort traffic maximization component attempts to maximize the total throughput of best effort traffics. The maximization problem is formulated as a linear programming. Finally, simulation results verify the ability of QoS guarantee and higher channel utilization.


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