Efficient multicast routing in wireless ATM networks

Chao Tsong FangTsou, Shiann Tsong Sheu, Wu Hsiao Hsu, Ming Ching Hsiao

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


This paper proposes an algorithm, called Probability-Based Multicast Tree (PBMT) algorithm, for multicast routing in wireless ATM networks. The PBMT is established from a fixed Base Station (BS) by several steps. First, network is modeled as a graph with nodes denote the BS and edges represent links between BS. An edge is added into any two nodes when their coverage areas overlap each other. Then, the degree of each node in the graph is computed. Based on the computed degree of each node, the probability of a mobile user moves to a new node can be determined. In order to identify the importance of each node, the cost of the edge is weighed based on the probabilities of corresponding nodes. Finally, a node with maximal degree is selected repeatedly until a minimal-spanning tree is formed. Nodes do not belong to the multicast members are pruned. Simulation has been done to compare the performance analysis by our algorithm with these of other algorithms.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages6
StatePublished - 1998
EventProceedings of the IEEE GLOBECOM 1998 - The Bridge to the Global Integration - Sydney, NSW, Aust
Duration: 8 Nov 199812 Nov 1998


ConferenceProceedings of the IEEE GLOBECOM 1998 - The Bridge to the Global Integration
CitySydney, NSW, Aust


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